Telstra TV Mobile App


Using research and heuristics to expand on features for TV and Movie loving customers

Role: UI/UX Designer

The Project

Understanding searching and purchase habits

The Telstra TV product is Telstra’s answer to finding the all your TV and Movies in one ecosystem. The Mobile app is a the companion app to the Telstra TV. This project explored the searching habits and purchase flows of digital TV shows and movies along with enhancements to features exisiting in the app.



How I Contributed

Purchase flows backed by research

Partnering with the UX researchers, we explored the purchase flows of digital TV shows and movies. Analysing and discussions of user interview data research along with  making recommendations and then later implementing them to produce high fidelity mock ups show-casing the purchase flows. Using this research based data to influence the design allowed us to create what was a familiar purchase flow experience for customers.

Digital Remote upgrades

The mobile was also treated as a companion app for the Telstra TV Set-Top-Box. A basic digital TV remote feature was expanded to include more visual feedback, enhanced functionality, a new audio pairing mode and also voice commands via phone app to Set-Top-Box. My high fidelity designs used heuristics of what users know and expect of their physical TV remote along with user feedback to shape this new experience.

The Biggest Challenge

Working Squad based teams

There were many squads often working on their own features. Some of the challenges were to collaborate and not compete with other squads and ensure features we worked on cohesively and for the enhancement of the customers and users.